Dental Advice for Sugar Lovers

All in the Family: Dental Maladies That Run in the Family

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You may not have inherited your father’s eye color, but there’s a good chance that you may be dealing with some dental issues that were passed on by him. In fact, there are several dental-related problems that tend to run in families. While it’s always possible to learn bad habits from your parents, there may be more to it than that. Just knowing about the tendency for the below issues to be passed on via your DNA could give you a heads-up so that you can be ready to take action and prevent further problems down the road. Read More»

Space Age Dental Care: What Lasers Can Do For Your Teeth

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The use of laser technology has crept into almost every area of health and your dental care is no exception. With lasers, small, concentrated beams of light energy can be directed to heal, cleanse, prepare, and treat various tooth and gum issues. To find out what a laser treatment from your dentist could do for you, read on. What’s So Great About Laser Therapy? Using lasers in the treatment of common dental maladies has revolutionized the way people view and experience dental care. Read More»

Why You Should Strive To Get A Better Smile

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Improving your appearance can take many forms. A new haircut, quality clothing and great shoes can do wonders for the way that you look. However, while you are making all of these changes, there is another aspect of your physical form that may need some attention: Your smile. A beautiful smile can make a huge difference in the impression that you make on yourself and others. Learn why you should prioritize your teeth so you can start reaping the benefits. Read More»

What To Do While You Wait For Periodontal Disease Treatment

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Periodontal disease is a serious condition that can put your teeth at risk of falling out, in addition to exposing you to the dangers of having a long-term infection in your gums. If you’ve been told that you have this condition and are planning to come into the dentist’s office to have a full dental scaling to improve the health of your gums, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything to improve your situation in the meantime. Read More»

Things You Can Do To Decrease Sensitivity With Your Teeth

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Living with the cringing feeling you experience after taking a bite of cold ice cream can be frustrating. If you feel this type of feeling with hot and cold foods, it is because you have sensitive teeth. If this is something you have, there are things you can do that will help decrease the sensitivity you experience when eating or drinking hot and cold things, and here are some of the top things you should do. Read More»